Scratch Maze Game Tutorial
In this week’s lesson we will be working our way through the Scratch maze game tutorial. You will learn how to :
- Move and animate Scratch, using coordinates, costumes and a game loop
- Keep track of and switch between levels using variables
- Keep track of the score and player lives using variables
- Add power-ups and moving baddies to your game
As always it is best if you watch, and importantly listen to, the tutorial video. The tutorial video goes further than just showing you what blocks to use, it explains how it works and why I chose to do it that particular way. There are many ways to program games and an important skill is learning when to use each approach!
Have a go at this demo of the game to get a feel for how it works!
Tutorial Video
Sprites & Stage
Scratch Code
Scratch the Cat Code
Here is the code for Scratch the cat. This code moves Scratch around the screen, animates scratch and changes the score and the level.
Stage Code
Stage Code
Here the code for the stage. This code just changes the background costume.
Power-up Code
Baddie Code
Stretch Challenges
Finished the tutorial? Here are some improvements that you can make:
- more power-ups (easy)
- more baddies (easy)
- a game complete screen (medium)
- Level completion time-based bonus (medium)