Scratch Football Game Tutorial
Have a play of today’s game with a friend to see how it works!
Tutorial Video
Tutorial Video
Here are the sprites that you will need to have by the end of the game!
You will need:
- Player 1 – Scratch
- Player 2 – Avery
- Ball – Ball
- Goal 1 + 2 – paint your own
- Goal 1 + 2 hidden sprite (for scoring) – paint your own.
Player Code
Here is the code for each of the players. The job of this code is to:
- Move the players to their starting positions at the start of the game
- Move the players
- Control the dribbling and kicking actions
Ball Code
Ball Code
Here is the ball’s code. The ball code performs a number of functions:
- Moves and bounces the ball in different directions
- Applies acceleration and deceleration
- Moves to the center after a goal
Hidden Goal Code
Hidden Goal Code
This is the code for the hidden goal sprite, it just has one function:
- Check if the ball is touching it, if so change the score and move the ball to the centre
Easy Challenges
- Add sound effects to the ball and players
- Add background music
Medium Challenges
- Add a game-over screen for when a player reaches a certain number of goals / or a countdown timer has been reached.
- Add on pitch power-ups, eg:
- Make opponent’s nets bigger.
- Super fast kick ability
- Slow opponent down ability
Insanely hard Challenges
- Create an AI player to play instead of player 2
- Create a score table to record team scores