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Minecraft Python Volcano Tutorial


In this video tutorial we show you how to create a working volcano in the Minecraft world, using Python.

Tutorial Video

Full code listing

import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
import random, time
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
mc.postToChat("Minecraft Volcano!")
height = 20
center = 20,0,0 #x,y,z
for i in range(height): #Create the base!
size = height - i
mc.setBlocks(center[0] - size, center[1] + i, center[2] - size,center[0] + size, center[1] + i, center[2] + size,block.STONE)
for i in range(height*height):
randomx = random.randint(center[0] - height, center[0] + height)
randomz = random.randint(center[2] - height, center[2] + height)
mc.setBlock(randomx,center[1] + height + 10, randomz,block.GRAVEL)
while True:

Extension Challenges

  • Get your volcano to erupt water instead
  • Create a circular volcano instead of a square volcano.
  • Adapt your volcano so that it only erupts every 5 minutes
  • Create a volcano to grows over time (changes the lava to rocks after a while)