Challenge 1 – 3 triangles
Write a program that draws 3 triangles with the following lengths
length – 50,70 and 90
Challenge 2- 4 squares
Write a program that draws 4 squares with the following length sides:
lengths : 10,20,40,80
Challenge 3 – 2 rectangles
Create a program that draws 2 rectangles with the following dimensions:
Length 30 – Width 60
Length 50 – Width 80
Challenge 4 -Triangle spiral
- Create a triangle that starts at length 5 and increases in increments 5.
- Your spiral should draw 100 lengths.
Challenge 5 – Star Spiral
Create a 5 sided star shaped spiral like the one above. Your spiral should:
- Start at length 10
- Increase in length in increments of 10
- Draw 20 lines in total
Challenge 6 – Rectangle Spiral
- Draw a rectangle similar to the rectangle above.
- The rectangle should start at length 10 and width 40.
- The length and width should increase by 10 each time.
Challenge 7 – Circle Spiral
Challenge 8 – Triangle with mini triangles
Challenge 9 – Circle of squares
Challenge 10 – Square spiral with decreasing increment
Create a square spiral with an increment that decreases each time.E.g. The first time the length increases by 20, then the next time it increases by 19, 18, etc, etc…