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Purpose of the CPU

Purpose of the Central Processing Unit ( CPU)

The purpose of the CPU is to carry out the set of instructions given to the processor from  a program.

This is done through a combination of:

  • Arithmetic
  • logic
  • input / output operations
  • control operations.

Instructions are usually written by programmers in high level languages because they are easier for humans and write, understand and maintain, but these need to translated in to the binary instructions that a computer can process.

Compiling vs Interpreting

With some programming languages (such as C) this translation needs to be done before you can run the script, using a process known as compiling. These programming languages tend to be highly efficient and therefore good for processor intensive tasks, e.g. 3D Gaming, Video Editing.

With other languages (such as Python) this translation is done as the script is being executed; this is a process known as interpreting. Interpreted languages tend to be much quicker to develop (because your script does not need to be compiled every time you make a change to the file) but are less efficient than the compile languages.

Programmer code in high level code.

This needs to be translated into machine code.

The CPU processes the machine code by turning on/off the correct transistors. Modern CPUs contain billions of tiny transistors.







Purpose of the CPU





CPU Performance

