Starter 5 mins

Pie chart maker starter ( using favourite animal frequencies)

Pie Chart Starter

Why use spreadsheets?

Thinking back to the starter, how many of you found the activity…

  • Too easy / too hard
  • Too fast / too slow


Creating Tables and Charts

Follow the steps in the video to create a table and chart the is similar to the image below


Tutorial Video

Using what you have learned from the video, create a spreadsheet like the one below:

spreadsheets lesson 2 wagoll

Activity – Class Poll

You now need to go round the class and complete a poll of their favourite colour, football team, etc.

Now create your own spreadsheet using the results and customise your sheet to make it look professional.

Example poll ideas:

  • Favorite football team
  • favourite teacher
  • number of siblings
  • weight
  • eye color
  • favourite country

Auto Functions

Most spreadsheet software packages have in built functions that can be used to

  • Sum – Add all the values in a range
  • Min – Find the smallest value in a range
  • Max – Find the largest value in a range
  • Average – Find the mean average value in a range

Google Sheets

Google Sheets Quick Access Functions
Google Sheets Quick Access Functions
Excel Quick Access functions
Excel Quick Access functions

Activity 2

Log in to Google Classroom and go to today’s assignment. Open the assignment presentation and paste a screenshot of your chart / table on to the first page of the presentation.

You should use the snipping tool and Control+V to paste your code in to the presentation

Activity 3

Log in to QuizMaster and complete today’s quiz.