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Microbit RGB LED Tutorial

Microbit RGB LED Tutorial

In this tutorial we will show you how to wire and code an RGB LED using the Microbit. This is a great cheap Microbit project that teachers can do with their students, and it’s also very educational! It teachers the basics of wiring up external outputs, as well as how RGB colours are made.

You will need:

Wiring Diagram

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Wiring up the LED is nice is nice and simple. Each of the outputs run from the Microbit,  through a 100 ohm resistor and on to LED.

Wiring Example

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Click to enlarge

Test code 1 – 3 alternative colours

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The simplest way to test if your setup is working is to simply turn each output on one by one.

Test code 2 – composite colour


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What about combining colors? Well, this is where the RGB comes in to play.

A simple example is Red + Blue , which makes a purpley pink colour.

Here we simply turn 2 outputs on at the same time!

RGB Color Generator

RGB colors are generated by a mix of three elements, with the brightness of each(luminosity) varying from 0 to 100%.

Have a go at moving the sliders below to see what colours you can generate.


Microbit RGB LED Tutorial Challenges

Challenge 1 – Traffic Light LED

Write a script that mimics the functioning of a traffic light, triggered when you press a button on the Microbit.

Challenge 2 – Random colour LED

Write a script that outputs a random colour from the LED

Challenge 3 – Pulsing LED

Write a script that allows the LED to pulse on and off

Challenge 4 – Blended colours

Write a script that blends slowly from one green to blue and back again.