Paper based starter – See the teacher resources
Job Automation
Job Automation
One of the biggest concerns about IT is the threat of automation to jobs. Computers are becoming an increasing important part of our lives and as computers become more advanced, the numbers of jobs that can wholly or partly completed by machines has increased  massively.
Pick 3 future careers that you are interested in and find out how likely you are to be replaced by a robot by using the BBC automation checker link below!
Make sure you write them down in your learning log.
Factors that encourage automation
- Repetitive tasks
- Predictable jobs and environments
- Hazardous environments
- Jobs where a 24/7 presence is required
- High volume production jobs
Factors that discourage automation
- Jobs that require empathy
- Jobs conducted in  highly unpredictable or rapidly changing conditions or environments
- Production where low volume is required.
- Jobs where that require creativity
Positive Effects
What positive effects can you think of where automation might be improving employment?
Have a think and chat to the person next to you and see how many you get before clicking the link below to see some examples.
- Which ones did you get right?
- Do you come up with any examples that weren’t on the list?
- Dangerous jobs can be done by machines
- Boring, repetitive, poorly paid jobs can be done by machines
- Cheaper Goods and Services
- More highly paid jobs in programming and robot engineering
Have a look on the ICTlounge website and find 3 jobs that have been created due to automation.
For each of the jobs write down:
- The name of the job
- The reason the job has been created
Add these to your learning log.
Negative Effects
What negative effects of automation on employment can you think of?
Have a think and chat to the person next to you and see how many you get before clicking the link below to see some examples.
- Which ones did you get right?
- Do you come up with any examples that weren’t on the list?
- Massive unemployment in some industry sectors
- Homogenisation of goods – Everything becomes mass produced.
- Mass production of faulty goods, due to lack of human oversight
Have a look on the ICTlounge website and find 3 jobs that have been lost due to automation.
For each job list:
- The job title
- What characteristics of the job make it easy for computers/robots to do
‘65% of todayâs grade-school children will end up at jobs that havenât been invented yet.’
US Department for labour
(Grade school is the US primary/secondary system)
- What  do you think of this statement?
- Do you agree / disagree with it?
- What evidence can you give to support / refute the claim.?
- What do you think should be done to prepare students for tomorrow’s world?
- What about older people? What should done to support them?
Put together a Prezi to cover your answer to the questions above. You will have the remainder of the lesson to complete your work.
Automation Interview
Students and younger people are well placed to adapt to the changes that are coming due to automation. School curriculums and qualifications can be adapted to suit emerging job markets and you don’t have the problem of retraining for a new career whilst still supporting yourself and your family.
Older people with family, location and financial commitments may find it much more difficult to adapt.
Talk to your parent, guardian, or anyone you know whose job might be at risk from automation.
Write a report (approx 250 words ) about your interviewee, including:
- Their job title
- Their age
- The likelihood of their job being replaced by robots, according to the BBC Website
- What do they think about the likelihood of their job being replaced?
- How do they feel about this?
- What plans are they putting in place to cope with this coming change?
- Your thoughts on the situation?

Have you…
Successfully completed the starter quiz?
Completed Activity 1- Â How future-proof am I quiz?
Completed Activity 2- Â Jobs created
Completed Activity 3 -Â Jobs lost
Added your findings to your learning log?
Written down your homework?
Starter Cut out and sort cards
Website links
How likely are these jobs to be replaced by computers
Teacher solutions ( Password Protected)
Plenary Kahoot