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Python lists/strings/loops challenges

Challenge 1

Challenge 1

Take this list of items:

animals = [‘cat’,’dog’,’mouse”,’hamster’]

print out each item in the list using a for loop.


Challenge 2

Print out the first letter of each animal.


Challenge 3

Print out the last letter of each animal.


Challenge 4 

Print out the length of each animal.


Challenge 5

Print out all animals that are great in length of more than 3.


Challenge 6

Print out a reversed string for each animal.


Challenge 7

Print out the first letter of the first animal, second letter of the second, third letter of the third etc…


Challenge 8

Print out the middle letter of each animal.


Challenge 9

Print out each letter of each animal on a separate line.


Challenge 10

For each letter in each animal print out ‘consonant’ or ‘vowel’ depending on the letter type.


Challenge 11

Print out a list of all unique characters in the animal list


Challenge 12

Print out a frequency table of all letters in the animal list

Challenge 3