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Introduction to Binary

What is binary?

What is binary?

Binary is a number system consisting of combinations of only 2 possible numbers 1 and 0. These ones and zeros are used to represent all data within computer systems.

Binary can be used to represent a variety of different forms of data, including:

  • Denary Numbers (for example the number 13 can be represented using 1101)
  • Text (for example the letter x can be represented using 01111000 )
  • Images( for example the color green be represented in binary as 000000001111111100000000)
  • Sound
  • Video (which is a combination of images and sound


Why is it used?

Why is binary used?

  • Binary data can be transmitted more easily and reliably than in other forms.
  • Binary data can be stored and read very easily and reliably in binary form.
  • Computers use electrical circuits that can only be on one of 2 states – on or off, these work very well with binary calculations.
  • The input voltage in to computers is not very stable, so only a system that use voltage/no voltage would be reliable.


Video – Why do computers use binary?

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Key Terminology

Key Terminology

  • An individual binary digit is known as a bit
  • 4 bits together are known as a nibble
  • 8 bits are known as a byte
  • While computers store, process and transmit data in binary form, human engineers normally view and edit the binary data using its hexadecimal equivalent.
  • Human beings normally used the base 10 number system, known as Denary or Decimal.