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Decomposing problems


Decomposition of programming problems

Decomposition of programming programming problems is about breaking the program down into smaller component parts.

The process consists of the following components/steps:

  1. Understand the problem: Read and analyze the problem statement or requirements carefully. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what the program should do and the expected input-output behavior.
  2. Identify major tasks: Identify the major tasks or functionalities that the program needs to accomplish. These are the high-level actions that the program should perform to solve the problem.
  3. Break down major tasks: For each major task identified, break it down further into smaller, more manageable subtasks. Consider the logical steps or operations needed to complete each major task.
  4. Define functions or modules: Map each subtask to a function, method, or module that will handle it. Organize the code into separate units of functionality. This promotes modularity and makes the code more maintainable and reusable.
  5. Determine input and output: Determine the required inputs for each function or module and the expected outputs. Specify the data structures or variables involved in each subtask and their relationships.
  6. Handle edge cases: Identify any special cases, exceptions, or error conditions that need to be considered. Determine how the program should handle these situations and incorporate appropriate error handling or exception handling mechanisms.
  7. Plan control flow: Determine the control flow of the program by deciding the order in which the functions or modules will be executed. Consider the dependencies between different subtasks and establish a logical sequence.
  8. Implement and test: Implement each function or module based on the decomposition and specifications defined. Test each component independently to ensure it performs as expected. Gradually integrate and test the entire program.
  9. Iterate and optimize: Continuously evaluate and refine your decomposition as you implement and test the program. Look for opportunities to improve code efficiency, readability, and maintainability. Consider algorithmic optimizations or code refactoring if necessary.
  10. Debug and finalize: Thoroughly test the program and debug any issues or errors that arise. Validate the program against various test cases and ensure it meets the desired functionality. Make any final adjustments before considering the problem solved.

Stepwise Refinement

Stepwise Refinement

One method of decomposition is the method known as stepwise refinement, a problem-solving technique that involves progressively breaking down a complex problem into simpler and more manageable subproblems. Each subproblem is further refined and detailed until it can be easily solved or implemented.

Structure Diagrams

Structure Diagrams

When breaking down problems using stepwise refinement it is often useful to use a structure diagram during the process.



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