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Introduction to Cryptanalysis

Cryptanalysis is the study of analyzing encrypted or encoded texts or messages to discover their hidden meaning, break codes, decrypt information, or uncover vulnerabilities in cryptographic systems. It involves the application of various mathematical and analytical techniques to decipher the code.

Cryptanalysis plays a crucial role in the field of information security. By identifying weaknesses in cryptographic algorithms or protocols, cryptanalysts help improve the design and implementation of secure communication systems. Their work ensures that sensitive information remains protected from unauthorized access or malicious activities.

Brute Force

Brute Force Attack

A brute force attack is a straightforward yet computationally intensive method used in cryptanalysis and cybersecurity to crack passwords, passphrases, or other forms of security keys. The basic concept behind a brute force attack is simple: try all possible combinations until the correct one is found.

This type of attack is often considered the last resort due to its simplicity and the high computational cost associated with it.

Pros & Cons

Pros of brute force attacks


The method is straightforward and does not require sophisticated understanding of the encryption algorithm, unlike more nuanced cryptanalysis techniques.


Can be used against any kind of encryption or security mechanism, provided enough time and computational resources.

Cons of Brute Force Attack


The time required for a successful brute force attack depends on the complexity and length of the key. Longer keys with a greater range of possible characters significantly increase the number of combinations to try.


Requires significant computational power, especially for systems with strong encryption and long keys.


Frequency analysis

Frequency analysis has been used since ancient times. It became particularly well-known after being systematically used by Arab mathematician Al-Kindi in the 9th century. It was especially useful in breaking classical ciphers rather than modern encryption methods.

It’s based on the analysis of the frequency and pattern of letters or symbols in a ciphertext and is primarily effective against substitution ciphers, where each letter in the plaintext is replaced by another letter.

Principles of Frequency Analysis

Letter Frequency in Language

In any given language, certain letters appear more frequently than others. For example, in English, the letter ‘E’ is the most common, while letters like ‘Q’ and ‘Z’ are less frequent.

Word Pattern Analysis

Common words, prefixes, and suffixes can also be analyzed. For instance, in English, the one-letter words are likely to be ‘a’ or ‘I’.

Uses of FA

Uses of Frequency Analysis

Breaking Substitution Ciphers

In a simple substitution cipher, each letter of the alphabet is consistently replaced by another. Frequency analysis can often reveal these substitutions.

Keyword Discovery

In more complex systems like the Vigenère cipher, frequency analysis can sometimes identify the keyword used to encode the message.

Challenges of FA

Challenges and Limitations

Requires Sufficient Text

Frequency analysis generally requires a reasonable amount of ciphertext to be effective.

Less Effective on Modern Ciphers

Modern encryption algorithms, like AES or RSA, are not vulnerable to frequency analysis due to their complex and non-linear nature.

Language Dependence

The analyst must know the language of the original message and its typical frequency distribution.


Known Plaintext Attack (KPA)

A Known Plaintext Attack (KPA) is a method of cryptanalysis where the attacker has access to both the plaintext (the original, unencrypted message) and its corresponding ciphertext (the encrypted message).

The objective of this attack is to reveal further secret information, such as cryptographic keys or other plaintexts encrypted with the same keys.

How It Works

The attacker possesses one or more pairs of plaintext and its corresponding ciphertext. The goal is to deduce the key or encryption algorithm used, thereby compromising the entire encryption system.

Analyzing Correlations

The attacker studies how changes in the plaintext result in changes in the ciphertext, seeking patterns that can reveal the encryption process.

Algorithm Reverse-Engineering

By understanding the transformation from plaintext to ciphertext, the attacker may be able to reverse-engineer the encryption algorithm or key.


Use Cases

Weak Encryption Algorithms

KPAs are particularly effective against weak or improperly implemented encryption algorithms where plaintext-ciphertext correlations are more discernible.

Repeated Key Usage

In systems where the same key is used repeatedly, knowing one plaintext-ciphertext pair can potentially compromise all messages encrypted with that key.

Defending against KPA

Countermeasures against KPA

Strong Encryption Algorithms

Modern algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) are designed to resist known plaintext attacks.

Random IVs and Salts

Using random initialization vectors (IVs) or salts for each encryption operation can make KPAs more difficult.

Frequent Key Changes

Changing encryption keys regularly decreases the likelihood of successful KPAs.