Online Activities
Blockly Maze
See how far you can get through solving the mazes with the Blockly Maze Challenges
Vex VR Robot Maze Solving
Video Introduction
Python Maze Solving
import csv,os,time,sys,random def get_maze(file): f = open(file,'r') reader = csv.reader(f) maze = [] for line in reader: maze.append(line) return maze def display_maze(m, path): m2 = m[:] os.system('cls') # windows use 'cls' for item in path: m2[item[0]][item[1]] = "." m2[path[-1][0]][path[-1][1]] = "M" draw = "" for row in m2: for item in row: item = str(item).replace("1","█") item = str(item).replace("2"," ") item = str(item).replace("0"," ") draw += item draw += "\n" print(draw) def move(path): time.sleep(0.3) cur = path[-1] display_maze(maze,path) possibles = [(cur[0],cur[1] + 1),(cur[0],cur[1]- 1),(cur[0] + 1, cur[1]),(cur[0]-1, cur[1]) ] random.shuffle(possibles) for item in possibles: if item[0] < 0 or item[1] < 0 or item[0] > len(maze) or item[1] > len(maze[0]): continue elif maze[item[0]][item[1]] in ["1","2"] : continue elif item in path: continue elif maze[item[0]][item[1]] == "B": path = path + (item,) display_maze(maze,path) input("Solution found! Press enter to finish") os.system('clear') # windows use 'cls' sys.exit() else: newpath = path + (item,) move(newpath) maze[item[0]][item[1]] = "2" display_maze(maze,path) time.sleep(0.3) maze = get_maze('maze1.csv') move(((1,0),))
Trip to a maze?